Cornerstone Baptist

Spanish Ministry


Service Times

Domingo 9:00 am

                  Escuela Dominical

Domingo 10:00 am

                  Culto de Adoración


6725 Green Rd

Lakeland, Fl. 33810

(863) 853-4956

 Pastor Jose Gonzalez

Pastor Jose has been serving at Cornerstone Baptist for over 15 years. He was born in Syracuse, KS. I am Mexican American. Both of my parents were born in Brownsville, TX. He graduated from high school in Bradenton, FL from Southeastern High School. After graduating he joined the U.S. Navy, where he served during Desert Storm and Desert Shield. He continued to serve his country in the reserves as a Navy Seabee for 4 more years. After that He moved to Lakeland he received his calling to serve the Lord as a pastor.

Our Spanish Ministry is a growing group of believers who’s focus is to learn more about the Gospel as we help with the spiritual and physical needs of our members. Weekly we worship and have fellowship together as we learn more about the Word of God in a language we can understand. We are a close knit family of believers with the purpose of reaching the Hispanic community of Lakeland with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We extend a warm welcome and invitation for you to join us.

Nuestro Ministerio Hispano es un grupo de creyentes que esta creciendo y estan enfocados en aprender mas acerca del evangelio mientras ofrecen ayuda espiritual y fisica para nuestros miembros. Semanalmente adoramos y tenemos confraternidad mientras aprendemos más sobre la Palabra de Dios en un idioma que podemos entender. Somos una familia unida de creyentes con el propósito de alcanzar a la comunidad hispana de Lakeland con el Evangelio de Jesucristo. Le extendemos una cálida bienvenida y le invitamos a unirse con nosotros.